Empower through giving

by | Aug 10, 2022 | Community Impact, Featured Community Impact | 0 comments

Empower the community through the act of giving. Every donation is important, no matter the size. Our programs are funded by donations, volunteers and the generous support of our community at large. We rely on your help to continue providing life-changing opportunities for the homeless and at-risk people in our community.


Our Programs

We are a non-profit organization that provides resources and other support services to help homeless and at-risk people in our community rebuild their lives. We offer programs that empower homeless and at-risk people in the community, including:




Education Workshops

How we use your donations 

(Our Projects)

The impact of your donations to the community:

In January of 2021, 326,126 people were experiencing sheltered homelessness, staying in emergency shelters, safe havens, or transitional housing programs nationwide. The share of emergency shelter beds for people experiencing sheltered homelessness located in non-congregate settings increased by 134 percent. The number of sheltered individuals with chronic patterns of homelessness increased by 20 percent between 2020 and 2021. California, in over 11 years, has almost tripled permanent housing for formerly homeless people, who now occupy 64% of the total inventory of beds; shelter beds have increased by 20% over this period.


Final Thoughts

Every donation is important, no matter the size. Your contribution helps us continue to make an impact on the homeless and at-risk people in our community through different programs (housing, transport, wellness and education workshops) and events such as fundraisers and food drives.

By Shannea Sumabal

Shannea is a web designer and writer with a passion for creating engaging websites and helping clients grow their global web presence. With a background in marketing, she has an interest in creating content and enjoys any opportunity to help people learn to use digital tools and grow their own skills. When she’s not working on web design projects or blog posts, you can find her watching movies, crocheting, and spending time with her dogs.