We can slow the affects of poverty in our community
Together, we make a difference
Every day we put our knowledge, connections and drive to work empowering unhoused and at risk people with the skills and strength to survive and be self-sufficient.

Your Monthly donations help us help you.
Get Help
Basic Needs- General Needs Assessment
- ID resources
- Basic Living resources
- Basic health resources
- Monthly coaching
- Financial Planning
Job Coach
Find a job- Exclusive job recruiting services
- Weekly Job Opportunities
- Financial Foundation Goals
- Free resume building
- Sponsored Job Events
- Monthly Growth Evaluations
- Monthly Coaching
- Financial Planning
Life Coach
Build Wealth- *Starting at $200/mo (10% of wages)
- Monthly P&L Evaluations
- Transitional Housing Program
- Job Coach Services
- Auto Buying Resources
- Monthly Coaching & Planning
Donations are how we are able to help our community. To make a General Donation, click here.
We help unhoused and at-risk people by providing:
A challenging economic environment has left many working poor feeling desperate, hopeless, and struggling to survive — often leading to homelessness and the dangers therein: drug abuse, violence, mental illness.
The social safety net does not effectively help unhoused and at risk people who need it most, leaving concerned citizens frustrated, angry and sad. At The Builder Group Network we put our knowledge, connections and drive to work empowering unhoused and at risk people to be self-sufficient.
Because when people receive the shelter, skills and support needed to thrive as part of the community, everyone wins.

Transitional Housing
Temporary housing helps those getting on their feet with a place to stay that is secure

Education Workshops
Our workshops focused on providing necessary tools and skills needed to secure a financial base

basic needs
Having things like a drivers license, food to eat, toothpaste, and clothes

A Plan
With our guides, we give clients the tools to be successful

We keep our clients moving with resources to get around the community that is reliable and affordable

Mental Wellness
By providing wellness resources, the people of our community focus on positive change

Financial Literacy
Nobody gets ahead in our community without knowing a few rules on how money works

Sales & Netorking Basics
We teach people how to use communication to sell themselves and products

Gain Financial Freedom
For a lot of people, understanding how to become financially stable is like learning how to swim by being thrown in the ocean. It can feel like drowning. It takes guidance and trust to make an impact on those most sensitive to change and financial insecurity.

Too many of us are succumbing to the dangers of homelessness
the basics. a gameplan. a coach.
We provide at-risk people with food, a wellness check, and immediate housing for up to 24 months. A customized program to achieve self-sufficiency, including work readiness training, resume building and permanent housing. An accountability partner to provide support including teaching life skills like budgeting and managing finances.

See what our clients say

Meet our wonderful
network partners
nobody should fight alone
As we have been saying, we can’t fight homelessness without community, and we are so grateful to all of our partners who have stood by us through this journey.